The Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Modern German Studies discusses his experiences at UCSB.
The UCSB College of Letters & Science web page features this profile of Prof. Michael North, who is spending 2010-2011 at UCSB as a member of the History Department.
Michael North, who is visiting the College of Letters & Science this year as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Modern German Studies, is learning some interesting lessons about American university culture even as he shares his expertise in German history with his students here. North, who is professor and chair of modern history at the University of Greifswald, Germany, is spending the academic year in the Department of History, teaching a variety of upper-division and graduate courses. “I am impressed by the multicultural background of the students and especially their work ethic, which is different than that of university students in Germany,” he says. “This is something that I will take away with me.”
Click here to read the full article, including a description of the upcoming Comparative Borderlands Conference that will be held on May 2, 2011.
We are fortunate to have Prof. North as a colleague this year!
jwil 23.ii.2011