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Teaching Assistantships

Summer Session Teaching Assistantships


The Financial Aid Committee chooses summer TAs, which are 55% FTE, and all employment details are handled by Summer Sessions, including hiring into UCPath. Notification of appointments will go out in Spring quarter. Note that sections are contingent upon enrollment and can be cancelled by summer session. Do not count on this employment until you have signed your contract from summer session. Summer session courses will be in-person with the exception of HIST W courses which are designated online courses.

Required Materials

  • A brief statement that includes what fields you’re studying, why you hope to TA during Summer Sessions, and an explanation for your course preference choices.
  • TA Evaluations (from faculty) from previous TAships (use Winter 2024 and prior)
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)

Link to Application Form

Submit your application materials to the department to review through this link: https://forms.gle/EBCi12geaKmGd7mH8

2024-25 Alternate TA List


The History Department will likely need additional TAs to complete the roster for all three quarters in 2024-25. You can TA for a maximum of 21 quarters (including Associates, readership quarters do not count).

Note: Summer Session TAships are not counted in the quarter count; only academic year quarters are counted
Required Materials
  • A paragraph outlining your Teaching Philosophy
  • An Updated Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Research Statement (your area of research/research project)
  • TA Evaluations (from faculty) from previous TAships (use Spring 2023 and prior)

Link to Application Form

Submit your application materials to the department to view through this link: https://forms.gle/bMYdXQpw1S5ZQy156