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Central Continuing Fellowships

Each year, our department has the opportunity to nominate a select number of our graduate students for the campus-wide competition to receive Central Continuing Fellowships.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Support Package Details

2024-25 Continuing Student Fellowships will provide the following packages of financial support:

  • Full-year fellowship stipend of $32,500 or one-quarter fellowship stipend of $ 10,834
  • Payment of full resident level tuition, fees, and health insurance

Note that these fellowships do not include Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition.

Fellowships By Department Nomination

Dissertation-Level Fellowships


Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project, including schedule of completion details (one to two pages, single spaced)

Humanities Research Fellowship Program

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project/research interest (one to two pages, single-spaced)

Possible format of research project synopsis: Succinctly state your objective and the significance of your research. Clarifying components of the synopsis may include objective(s) of study, background/content of investigation, research approach and procedures, schedule of research, your qualifications and preparations for this project, anticipated results and significance of results.

Merit and Diversity

President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Diversity Statement (one page maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project, including schedule of completion details (one to two pages, single spaced)

General Fellowships

Merit and Diversity

Graduate Opportunity Fellowship

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Diversity Statement (one page maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project/research interest (one to two pages, single-spaced)

Possible format of research project synopsis: Succinctly state your objective and the significance of your research. Clarifying components of the synopsis may include objective(s) of study, background/content of investigation, research approach and procedures, schedule of research, your qualifications and preparations for this project, anticipated results and significance of results.

Graduate Research Mentorship Program

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Diversity Statement (one page maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project/research interest (one to two pages, single-spaced)

Possible format of research project synopsis: Succinctly state your objective and the significance of your research. Clarifying components of the synopsis may include objective(s) of study, background/content of investigation, research approach and procedures, schedule of research, your qualifications and preparations for this project, anticipated results and significance of results.

President’s Pre-Professoriate Fellowship

Required Materials:

  • Fellowship Cover Sheet PDF
  • One letter of support from Faculty Advisor(s) that addresses the student’s performance and potential as an exceptional academic, and comment on the likelihood that the student will pursue a professoriate path after receiving their PhD. (two pages maximum)
  • Curriculum Vitae (two pages maximum, single-spaced)
  • Diversity Statement demonstrating record of advancing issues of inclusion, equity, and diversity; actively supporting underrepresented communities; and shows commitment to pursing these efforts throughout their career. (one page maximum, single-spaced)
  • Description of research project/research interest (one to two pages, single-spaced)

Possible format of research project synopsis: Succinctly state your objective and the significance of your research. Clarifying components of the synopsis may include objective(s) of study, background/content of investigation, research approach and procedures, schedule of research, your qualifications and preparations for this project, anticipated results and significance of results.

More information can be found here.

Submit your application materials to the department to review through this link: https://forms.gle/6BiSddeG978cWE778