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IHC Regeneration Talk by Scott Ellsworth: The Tulsa Race Massacre: Causes, Cover Up, and the Fight for the Past

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The 1921 Tulsa race massacre was the worst single incident of racial violence in American history. But for decades its very existence was denied. Official records went missing, incriminating articles were torn out of bound volumes of old newspapers, and researchers even had their lives threatened. Award-winning author and historian Scott Ellsworth, author of The […]

Event Series Focal Point Dialogues in History

Focal Point Dialogues | Keynote Address “Impossible Histories” | Ada Ferrer

HSSB 1174 1174 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The History Department’s Colloquium Committee warmly invites you to attend the final events of this year’s Focal Point Dialogues in History Colloquium: A  Keynote Lecture by Pulitzer Prize winning author Ada Ferrer, “Impossible Histories: Understanding Failure and Absence in Atlantic Havana, 1812”. Friday May, 27th, 1-3 pm, in HSSB 1174  (free and open to the public, no registration […]

Event Series Focal Point Dialogues in History

Focal Point Dialogues | A Conversation with Ada Ferrer for Students

HSSB 4041 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

A Conversation with the author for graduate and undergraduate students will follow  the keynote lecture reception, on Friday May 27th, in HSSB 4041 from 4-5 pm.  The History Department’s Colloquium Committee warmly invites you to attend the final events of this year’s Focal Point Dialogues in History Colloquium: A  Keynote Lecture by Pulitzer Prize winning author Ada […]

From Table to Text: Borders and Boundaries in Food History

  From Table to Text: Borders and Boundaries in Food History March 3rd and 4th, 2023 A Virtual Conference Hosted by the History Department,  University of California at Santa Barbara Organizers: Erika Rappaport and Elizabeth Schmidt All paper panels will take place via Zoom. If you need assistance setting up a Zoom account, please let us […]

Event Series History Associates Events

History Associates Talk | Lisa Jacobson “The Potent Politics of Weak Brews: How 3.2% Beer Helped End Prohibition” | Apr 6, 5:30 PM | Draughtsmen Aleworks

Draughstmen Aleworks University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

  To commemorate the 90th anniversary of beer’s re-legalization in the United States, Lisa Jacobson will explain how a coalition of brewers, scientists, and labor leaders persuaded Congress that a beer capable of producing a mild euphoria could be legalized without violating the 18th Amendment’s ban on intoxicating beverages. Insisting that alcohol potency alone did […]

Book Launch: ENTREPÔT OF REVOLUTIONS by Manuel Covo

HSSB 4080 4080 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

We are delighted to announce the launch of Manuel Covo's recently published, prize-winning monograph, Entrepôt of Revolutions: Saint-Domingue, Commercial Sovereignty, and the French-American Alliance, which will take place on Friday, April 14th, from 5-7 pm in HSSB 4080. 

Book talk by Salim Yaqub: Winds of Hope, Storms of Discord, Wed, May 3, 4–5:15 pm, HSSB 6020

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

On Wednesday, May 3, from 4 pm to 5:15 pm in the McCune Room (HSSB 6020), the Center for Cold War Studies and International History will host a talk by Salim Yaqub. I'll be talking about my new book, Winds of Hope, Storms of Discord: The United States since 1945.    Professor Salim Yaqub discusses […]

Book Launch: Stephan Miescher, A Dam for Africa

HSSB 1174 1174 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In A Dam for Africa historian Stephan Miescher explores four intersecting narratives that weave together around Akosombo: Ghanaian aspirations about building a hydroelectric dam in the context of decolonization and Cold War; international efforts of the US aluminum industry in benefiting from Akosombo through subsidizing the VALCO aluminum smelter; local stories of upheaval and devastation […]

Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, “The Last Tsar: The Abdication of Nicholas II and the Fall of the Romanovs”

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

UCSB Professor of History (emeritus) Tsuyoshi Hasegawa and Michigan State Professor of History (emeritus) Lewis Siegelbaum will engage in a colloquy on Professor Hasegawa's new book, The Last Tsar: The Abdication of Nicholas II and the Fall of the Romanovs. When Tsar Nicholas II fell from power in 1917, Imperial Russia faced a series of overlapping crises, from war to […]

Juan Cobo Betancourt, “The Coming of the Kingdom: The Muisca, Catholic Reform, and Spanish Colonialism in the New Kingdom of Granada

McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020) Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Book Presentation: "The Coming of the Kingdom: The Muisca, Catholic Reform, and Spanish Colonialism in the New Kingdom of Granada" Juan Cobo Betancourt UC Santa Barbara | Associate Professor of History Commentator: Yanna Yannakakis Emory University | Professor of History The Coming of the Kingdom explores the experiences of the Indigenous Muisca peoples of the […]