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UCSB History PhD Alumna Wins Prestigious SHEAR Book Prize

Riotous FleshApril Haynes (UCSB History PhD 2009) has won the 2016 SHEAR (Society for the History of the Early American Republic) book prize for her 2015 monograph, Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology and the Solitary Vice in 19th-Century America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).

Riotous Flesh …sets a new standard for how to study together black and white female reformers while ultimately recognizing how their ideas, tactics, and the resulting consequences necessarily diverged. April Haynes has produced a work of lasting influence that is distinguished for its novel and exacting research, brilliant analysis, sharp and engaging prose, and a keenly perceptive eye for historiographic debate.” — Martha Jones, author of All Bound up Together: The Woman Question in African American Public Culture (on behalf of the James Broussard First Book Award Committee).