Seven external awards, and 17 campuswide fellowships and awards for 2008-09.
The following UCSB History graduate students have won major fellowships or honors this year. The winners are listed below in two categories: national/regional and campus-wide. Within each category, winners are listed alphabetically.
National & Regional Awards
Rafaela Acevedo-Field (Latin America; Cline) has won a James R. Scobie Fellowship for her dissertation research on converted Jews and the Mexican Inquisition. The Scobie Fellowship is sponsored by the Conference on Latin American History, the AHA-affiliated organization of Latin American historians.
Dimitri Akulov (Russian History; Hasegawa) has won an Institute on Global Cooperation & Conflict (IGCC) fellowship for academic year 2008-09. He will use this fellowship to conduct dissertation research in Russia and Britain. Dimitri’s dissertation examines Stalin’s wartime foreign policy, from 1941-43.
Tim Daniels (Early Modern Europe; McGee) has received a Kanner Predoctoral Fellowship at the William Andrews Clark Library (UCLA). The fellowship will support three months of research there in summer 2008. Tim’s dissertation examines the Parliamentary navy during the British civil wars of the 1640s.
John Scholl (Medieval Europe; Lansing) has won a Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship for 2008-2009. Scholl will conduct research in Torino, Italy for nine months. His dissertation project examines religious life in fourteenth-century Piedmont.
Corinne Wieben (Medieval Europe; Lansing) has won the first CICIS Graduate Student Paper Prize for her paper entitled “‘As men do with their wives’: Domestic Violence in Fourteenth-Century Lucca,” delivered at the 2008 CICIS meeting at UC Santa Cruz.
Lily Welty (Asian-American History; Spickard) has won a Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship for 2008-2009. Welty will use the fellowship to conduct dissertation research in Japan. Her dissertation examines the lives of multiracial people of Japanese and American parentage in Japan and the US during the 1950s and 1960s.
Kirsten Ziomek (East Asia; Frühstück) has been awarded a Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship for 2008-2009. The fellowship will enable her to live in Japan for a year. Kirsten will be working at Tokyo University on her dissertation, which explores the cultural and social dimensions of the display of colonized subjects in 20th century Japan. Kristin also won a Japan Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for 2008-9, but has opted to receive the Fulbright instead. (The photograph on this page shows Kirsten winning the Joseph E and Gina Laun Jannotta Foundation Research Prize on June 4, 2008.)
Campus-Wide Awards for 2008-2009
Anil Mukerjee (Brazilian History; Dutra) has been selected as a Dean’s Prize Teaching Fellow at UCSB for 2008-2009. Anil will teach an undergraduate seminar on African Slavery in Latin America, 1502-1588.
–Dean’s/GOF/President’s/RA Fellowships
Dimitri Akulov
Mateo Farzaneh
Sarah Griffith
Nadia Nader
Bianca Murillo
Filiberto Nolasco
–Graduate Division dissertation fellowships
Justin Bengry
Ricardo Caton
Josh Hoffman
Heidi Marx-Wolf
Heidi Morrison
Leandra Zarnow
–Humanities/Social Science Research Grants
Mira Foster
Patrick Ludolph
Jonathan Sciarcon
Leandra Zarnow
jwil hm 9/23/08 photo; 5/3/10 2009-10 item link