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Latest Past Events

History Associates Talk | “Plant Life and Imperialism” | Utathya Chattopadhyaya

Santa Barbara Eastside Branch Library 1102 E Montecito St, Santa Barbara

  Plant Life and Imperialism: Histories of Cannabis in British India Are histories of social structures, imperial systems, and the subjecthood of peoples not also histories of plant life? Taking one plant genus, that modern botany labels cannabis, this talk explores how and why we should embrace the contiguity between human and nonhuman life as […]

Focal Point Dialogues in History: Conversations on Black life, race, and antiblackness in history with Prof. Nyasha Mboti and Prof. Steve Zipperstein

HSSB 6020 (McCune Room) University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara

The History Department's Colloquium Committee warmly invites you to attend this year’s FOCAL POINT Dialogues in History series. Inspired by the History Department’s Statement on the George Floyd Uprising and its invocation to understand and interrogate our racialized past and the investments of disciplinary history within it, the series brings together History faculty and graduate students […]