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Public History Colloquium


About the Course:

A year-long professional colloquium on major topics and new work in Public History. Leading practitioners share theory and practice of the discipline in talks, workshops and occasional field visits. Relevant reading and writing assigned. Meets three to four times per quarter. 

Spring 2021:

HISTORY 295PH (1 or 2 units), meets Fridays, 12-2:50 via Zoom;

One meeting per month (TBD), with public presentation from a working public historian/scholar/activist with faculty, students, staff and community covering major topics and new directions in Public History.  Additional meetings as recommended, but not required. The last hour of each session (1:50-2:50) is reserved for enrolled students and instructor with (usually) the guest(s) to provide deeper response to and/or analysis of the required readings.  Topics vary but are intended to represent some of the breadth and depth of public history scholarship and practice, both nationally and internationally. Brief response papers required (2-3 pp of all enrolled students) with those enrolled for 2 units completing a slightly longer (6-8 page) analysis on a mutually agreed-upon topic of public history literature.  Colloquium runs all year, and students enroll each quarter for the number of units they prefer; students not enrolled may also, of course, attend the colloquium, which is open to the entire campus community.

Public Historical Studies Colloquium Schedule 2020-2021


No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.


View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Ann Marie Plane   

Schedule of Courses

Go to the Schedule of Courses on the Registrar's website to register or view scheduling information on all courses.