Historical Methods
About the Course:
Enrollment Comments: Normally required of all entering M.A. candidates other than those in public history. Open to other students on a space available basis. Offered every fall quarter.
HIST 202, “Historical Methods: Theory and Historiography” Prof. Miescher Winter, 2020
In the seminar “Historical Methods: Theory and Historiography” (HIST 202) we will examine different historiographical practices and schools, from classical historicism and historical sociology, to Marxism and materialism, to the Annales, to the cultural turn, as well as to postmodern and postcolonial approaches. Throughout this class, we are interested in the historian’s craft, in his and her engagement with the production of (gendered and racialized) knowledge and regimes of power.
No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.Documents:
View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Stephan F. Miescher   Schedule of Courses
Go to the Schedule of Courses on the Registrar's website to register or view scheduling information on all courses.