Advanced Historical Literature: Oral History
About the Course:
Readings in a field of the professor’s specialty. Introduction to the sources and literature of the field in question. Written work as prescribed by the instructor.
HIST 201OH, Winter 2022: HIST 201OH provides an introduction into the methodologies and practices of oral history. The course explores how scholars of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America have used oral history to reconstruct the historical experiences of individuals and marginalized communities. Themes include debates/objectives in oral history; designing an oral history project; interviewing; ethics; oral history as advocacy; oral history and memory; oral history and community history; life histories; songs and performances; preserving/presenting/filming oral histories; oral history in the digital age. As a final assignment, each student will conduct and transcribe one interview, reflect on methodological challenges, and provide a brief interpretation.
No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.Documents:
View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Stephan F. Miescher   Schedule of Courses
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