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Advanced Historical Literature


About the Course:

Enrollment Comments: May be repeated for credit. Open to both M.A. and Ph.D. candidates.
This course will introduce graduate students to the contemporary historiography of the Roman Empire with special attention to the motivations, sustaining factors and consequences of Roman imperialism. Through reading and written work we will assess the extent to which this historiography reflects or advances current work on the history of gender, sexuality, race and the environment. Students interested in preparing an examination field in ancient Roman history are strongly encouraged to enroll. Expect to read the equivalent of one short monograph per week, to write short weekly response papers, and to participate in weekly group discussions


No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.


View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Elizabeth DePalma Digeser   

Schedule of Courses

Go to the Schedule of Courses on the Registrar's website to register or view scheduling information on all courses.