I am teaching in Summer Session B! Come join me this summersyllabus for 114 a summer 2016 wolpo for the History of Christianity, from its origins to 800 C.E., MTWR 3:00-4:45 in HSSB 4020!

Empathy can still be a powerful historical tool. If we are striving for a plush and rich idea of what it was like to be there, alongside a fuller understanding of how it all came to pass, then the best tool we have aside from our imagination is our ability to understand what it is like to exist-to empathize. I strive to understand the lived experiences of people in the ancient world-and I try to engage with as many mediums and approaches, as many sets of ideas and facts as possible, all the while imagining what it was like to experience those events on the ground. I can only bring to this picture what I have seen, what I have thought, and what I have experienced, but what Historian can say more than that?

"Borderlands Theory and Cultural Change in the Time of Augustus"