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8th Annual Van Gelderen Lecture: Sasha Coles, “The Great Silk Experiment: Silkworms, Mulberry Trees, and Women Workers in Mormon Country, 1850s-1910s”

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UCSB History Associates presents the eighth annual Van Gelderen Graduate Student Lecture, this year given by Dr. Sasha Coles. From the 1850s to the early 1900s, Latter-Day Saint (or Mormon) women in both rural and urban Great Basin settlements planted mulberry trees, raised silkworms, and attempted to produce silk cocoons, thread, and cloth of a […]

FOCAL POINT Dialogues in History Webinar II: Empire and Liberation

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Building on the collective knowledge shared in our first webinar, the History Department's Colloquium Committee warmly invites you to attend the second session of our FOCAL POINT Dialogues in History series.  Inspired by the History Department’s Statement on the George Floyd Uprising and its invocation to understand and interrogate our racialized past and the investments of disciplinary […]

IHC Talk: Utathya Chattopadhyaya, “Cannabis and South Asia”

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The IHC's Asian/American Studies Collective welcomes UCSB History professor Utathya Chattopadhyaya for a talk on the role of cannabis in South Asian experiences of empire. Historical scholarship now conceives empire as a webbed uneven field of power relations and a multispecies enterprise. In other words, the anxious and breathless struggle of European imperialism to sustain itself […]


ISRRAR Event–Dr. Samiha Rahman, “Redefining Black Excellence: Ihsan, Islamic Education, and the Tijani Sufi Order”

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Since the 1980s, hundreds of predominantly working-class African American Muslim youth have migrated to the West African Tijani Sufi town of Medina Baye, Senegal. They hope to circumvent the antiblackness, Islamophobia, and economic inequality they face in the U.S. in search of a transformative educational encounter in a society where Blackness and Islam constitute the […]

History Associates: Luke Roberts, “A Samurai Wife Divorces her Lout of a Husband”

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Join the History Associates for an engaging presentation from UCSB History Professor Luke Roberts on a specific case that influenced gender roles in 19th-century Japan. Zoom link: ucsb.zoom.us/j/6855143149 Mori Nao, a young samurai wife in Japan, desired a divorce from her abusive husband in 1824. Legally a man could divorce his wife but a wife […]

Event Series Colloquium in Public History

Public History Colloquium Event–”Abina and the Important Men: Graphic History as Public History”

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Join the History Department’s Colloquium in Public History on Friday, March 5 at noon for a Zoom talk by Trevor R. Getz (San Francisco State University). Abina and the Important Men began as an attempt to address a classroom problem: how to teach students about the dual responsibilities of the historian to historical subjects and contemporary audiences.  […]


Humanities Decanted–W. Patrick McCray, “Making Art Work: How Cold War Engineers and Artists Forged a New Creative Culture”

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The IHC's Humanities Decanted series invites all to a dialogue between Patrick McCray (History) and Alan Liu (English) about McCray’s new book, Making Art Work: How Cold War Engineers and Artists Forged a New Creative Culture (MIT Press, 2020). Audience Q&A will follow. Despite C. P. Snow’s warning, in 1959, of an unbridgeable chasm between […]


Launch Party for the UCSB Undergraduate Journal of History

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The UCSB Undergraduate Journal of History is about to release its first issue, and its editors and contributors cordially invite the public to its Zoom launch party on March 2. The event will feature a short Q&A featuring four of the ten undergraduate authors and moderated by members of the editorial team.    To celebrate […]


CWWG Workshop–Addison Jensen, “WITCHIEs, Chickies, and Donut Dollies: The Women’s Rights Movement and American GIs”

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On Saturday, February 27, from 2 to 4 pm, the Center for Cold War Studies and International History (CCWS) will host a workshop. They will read and discuss a dissertation chapter, “WITCHIEs, Chickies, and Donut Dollies: The Women’s Rights Movement and American GIs,” by Addie Jensen, a doctoral candidate in the UCSB history department. This […]


Mónica Michelena: “We Are Charrúa Women: From Negation to Re-Existence in Our Body-Territory”

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UCSB and UCSD have joined together to welcome Mónica Michelena, Secretary of the Charrúa Nation's Council and former Advisor on Indigenous Affairs for Uruguay's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2014-18). Charrúa women have gone through dispossession, exclusion, and negation that left marks on their collective memory and body-territory. This genocidal process did not end in 19th-century […]
