I am interested in comparisons between early China and the Mediterranean civilizations, especially how the regional forms of Late Antiquity became globalized or came to be attested by “foreign” contexts. My research also focuses on how to experimentally apply modern theoretical tools and constructs to interpret the premodern world, in the realms of philosophy, politics, and psychology.

“Words Disenchanted, Words Reenchanted: Local Elite Propaganda and the Internal Collapse of Ancient Imperium, the Qing-Xu-Yan 青-徐-兗 Area and the Region of Gaul”

“Exile and Return: Oblivion, Memory, and Non-Tragic Death in Tomb-quelling Texts from Eastern Han Dynasty” in The Craft of Oblivion: Aspects of Forgetting and Memory in Ancient China. Edited by Albert Galvany. State University of New York Press, forthcoming, 2022.

TA Experience:

HIST 2C (Professor Paul Spickard) – Modern World History

HIST 2A (Professor John W.I. Lee) – World History, 8000 BC-AD 600

Examination Committee: Professor Luke Roberts, Professor Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, and Professor Laurie A. Freeman (Department of Political Science)

Dissertation Committee: Professor Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, Professor Laurie A. Freeman, and Professor Charles Sanft (University of Tennessee)