My research focuses on hospitals, charitable institutions, and poor relief in the Medieval Mediterranean. In particular, I am interested in the place of these institutions in civic life and political conflicts.

Le commissioni Ducali ai Rettori d’Istria (1382-1547), by Alessandra Rizzi, Giulia Giamboni et al., Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Venezie, Testi 3, Rome, Viella, 2017

Le commissioni Ducali ai Rettori della Dalmazia (1409-1514), by Alessandra Rizzi, Giulia Giamboni et al., Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Venezie, Testi 4, Rome, Viella, 2018


History 2A – World History, Prehistory to 1000CE (Fall 2018)

History 4B – Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Winter 2019)

History 4C – Modern Europe (Spring 2019)

History 2C – World History (Fall 2019)

History 4B – Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Winter 2020)

History 2A – World History, Prehistory to 1000CE (Spring 2020)

History 145B – The Middle East in the Age of Invasions and Migrations (Fall 2020)


UCSB History Associates Fellow, 2017-2018

UCSB History Associates Fellow, 2019-2020

Borchard Fellowship for European Studies, 2019-2020