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Criminalizing Immigrant Families: Race, Gender, and Family Separations at the U.S.-Mexico Border
May 3, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Race and gender have shaped the law, public policy, and the emotional and physical experiences of migration throughout history. At the present moment, however, shifting patterns of migration and the current administration’s use of family separation as a deterrent has led to an intense struggle to define migration, the migrant, and the family. This conference explores these struggles on both sides of the border from historical and contemporary perspectives.
9:30: Welcome Addresses
Charles Hale (Dean of Social Sciences, UCSB)
Erika Rappaport (Chair of the Department of History, UCSB)
Veronica Castillo-Muñoz (History, UCSB)
10:00-12:15: “Border Families: Violence and Separations”
Chair: Veronica Castillo-Muñoz (History, UCSB)
Leisy Abrego (UCLA, Chicana/o Studies)
Central Americans as Criminals and Crisis:
The Legal Violence of Family Separations at the US-Mexico Border
Natalia Molina (Professor of American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California)
The Birth of the “Anchor Baby”: The Decoupling of Race and Citizenship for Mexican Americans
Veronica Montes (Bryn Mawr College, Department of Sociology)
Stranded in Tijuana: The Central American Caravan at the Closed Gate of the US-Mexico Border
Robert Irwin (UC Davis, Spanish)
Criminality, Paternity, Feelings: Testimonial Narratives from the Streets of Tijuana
12:15 – 2:00: Lunch and Keynote Talk
Immigration Research at UCSB: Confronting Local Concerns, Federal Policies and Global Problems
Edward Telles, UCSB Department of Sociology
2:15-3:45: “Scholarship as Resistance”
Chair: Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval (UCSB, Chicana and Chicano Studies)
Ana Y. Guerrero (UCSB, Department of Education)
“Como la Monarcha: A Journey to a PhD“
Monica Cornejo (UCSB, Department of Communication)
Experiences of an Undocumented Scholar in Research and the Academic Environment
Ana Guerrero Gallegos (UCSB Alumni, Chicano Studies and History)
Opposing an Image: Immigration and Resistance in the San Fernando Valley
3:45-4:00: Coffee Break
“Deportations and the Law in the Age of Trump”
Chair: Alice O’Connor
(UCSB History and the Blum Center for Global Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development)
Joseph Huprich (Immigration attorney, Huprich and Vega)
Vivek Mittal (Managing Attorney UC Immigrant Service Center)
Anahi Mendoza (Executive Directory, Santa Barbara County Immigrant Legal Defense Center)