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Survey of African History


About the Course:

Enrollment Comments: Same course as Black Studies 49C. Not open for credit to students who have completed History 49C.
1945 to present. History 49-A- B-C is a general survey course designed to introduce students to major themes in African history. The course focuses on colonialism and decolonization, nationalism and self-liberation, development and neocolonialism, Cold War contexts, as well as African experiences of independence and the everyday in our contemporary, global world. Weekly discussion sections are an important feature of this course, enabling students to develop and expand upon material presented during lecture.


No pre-requisites have been entered for this course.


View the course’s Canvas page or the instructor’s page for documents: Mhoze Chikowero   

Schedule of Courses

Go to the Schedule of Courses on the Registrar's website to register or view scheduling information on all courses.