Webmaster Style & Standards Guide
Part of the UCSB Oral History Project


Consistent Typefaces

Document Preparation

Document Linking

Uploading & Updating

Other Considerations

Oral History Project Web Style Guide Standards

“Typography exists to honor content.”- Robert Bringhurst


We have prepared this short guide to bring a consistent, legible, and useful format to the Oral History project website content. Please use the information here as a reference point with which to properly format and edit content that you plan to add to the website. Conforming to these standards will better serve our visitors and improve the value of this website.

Guide Use

When first using this guide, please peruse all selections on the left hand menu so as to better understand the full scope of your duties as webmaster. This material should be used a source of reference for all style and document preparation standards, and will act as a visual aid to better help you prepare documents from a number of formats.