UCSB Hist 33D, Fall 2005 (course homepage)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Holocaust

Prof. Marcuse (homepage)

Final Exam
(pdf version for printing)

The final is an open book, take-home exam. It should be typed. The exam is designed to be completed in 2 hours, not including time it may take you to type it. You should try to keep to the time guideline. In any case, there is a word limit for each answer, as noted in that section. These are maximums; you do not need that many words for full credit!
At the end of each answer you should insert the results of a computer word count (in MS word: highlight/select the text to be counted, then click on Tools>Word Count). Here is an example for this paragraph: [107 words]

The exam is due by noon on Wednesday, December 7, in my office, HSSB 4221. The exam is worth 22% of the final grade (22 points total).

I. Identify and define the significance (45 mins. total, 3 @ 4 points each)

Select three of the following terms. You should first identify the term, answering who or what, where, and/or when. Then you should explain especially why the person, concept or event is significant in the context of the Holocaust, German history, our understanding of them, or their implications for us. Word limit: 300 per item.

Auschwitz I, II, III

Battalion 101

Diary of Anne Frank


Holocaust denial



Milgram experiments

preemptive obedience

Sobibor uprising

Versailles Treaty

Wannsee Conference

II. Essay question. (one hour, 10 points) Answer one of the following questions.
Be sure to present arguments on both sides of the issue before explaining your own personal answer. Word limit: 900-1100.

  1. Different disciplines (history, psychology, sociology, film and literary analysis) offer us explanations how the Holocaust was possible and what lessons and meanings it has for us today. Discuss the explanations, insights and conclusions offered by three different disciplines. Which of them do you think are most important--why?
  2. Use the EIEIO categories to explain why the Holocaust came about. Pay attention to the time period. What different causes were important during different periods of time? Are there some causes without which the Holocaust would not have happened at all (as opposed to others that merely determined its means, location, timing or completeness)? Which and why?

prepared for web on12/3/05; last updated:
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