Three books used in 2006

19th Century Germany:
Student Review Essay Index Page

Essays written for UCSB Hist 133a:
19th Century Germany

Prof. Harold Marcuse

page created December 10, 2006, last modified: 1/13/07

Prof. Marcuse's homepage
133a Course
Best Student Research Papers index page

This page links to 16 book essays written by students in Professor Marcuse's 19th Century Germany lecture course at UC Santa Barbara in Fall 2006 (course homepage).

  • For the assignment, see the book essay handout, and web publication guidelines.
  • The students chose the books themselves, although I also supplied a some suggestions.
  • In 2006, 18 of 33 students opted to meet the earlier deadline and do the additional editing and bibliographic work to have their papers published here.
  • Finally, see my plagiarism warning, below.

2006 Book Essays (template)
Daniel Collins on
Ian McNeely,
Emancipation of Writing

(UC Press, 2002)
Daniel Razzari on
Ferdinand von Funck's

Nicholas Szamet on
Henry Kissinger on
Metternich 1812-1822

(1954 dissertation)

Tiffany Lasister on
Theodor Ziolkowski,
German Romanticism


Matthew Rusting-Morey on
Mary Townsend,
Forbidden Laughter

(Michigan, 1992)
Noelle Hirneise on
Kirsten Belgum,
Die Gartenlaube


Modern Art
Emily Pelling on
Ann Taylor Allen,
Feminism & Motherhood

(Rutgers, 1991)
Judith Felz on
Ruth-Ellen Boettcher-Joerres,
Women Writers

(Chicago, 1998)
Lauren Tenuta on
Jennifer Jenkins,
Provincial Modernity

(Cornell, 2003)
Chris Young on
Gordon Craig,
Politics of Prussian Army

(Oxford, 1955)
Mitchell Simerly on
John C.G. Röhl,
The Kaiser & His Court

(Cambridge, 1994)
Tracy Kavanaugh on
Marilyn Coetzee,
Army League

(Oxford, 1990)
Tom Griffin on
Theodore Hamerow,
Foundations of Unific.

(Princeton, 1969)
Ismael Ulloa on
Bismarck and the Kulturkampf

Gaither White on
Erich Eyck,
Bismarck & German Empire

(New York, 1964)

Gabriel Luna on
Moshe Zimmermann,
Wilhelm Marr

(Oxford, 1986)
Darren Smith on
Carol Diethe,
Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche

(Urbana, 2003)

Aubrey Boag on
19th C. German Antisemitism
(Goldhagen & Lindemann)

(1995, 1997)

(back to top)

Any student tempted to use one of these papers for an assignment in another course or school should be aware of the serious consequences for plagiarism. Here is what I write in my syllabi:

Plagiarism—presenting someone else's work as your own, or deliberately failing to credit or attribute the work of others on whom you draw (including materials found on the web)—is a serious academic offense, punishable by dismissal from the university. It hurts the one who commits it most of all, by cheating them out of an education. I report offenses to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

Page created 12/11/06 by H. Marcuse; last modified: see header
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